Arizona Unicycle Club Photos

Well the first meeting was nothing less than a huge success! There were around 16 riders of all ages and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. We mostly spent the time getting acquainted and getting a sense for what we wanted in a unicycle club. Everyone indicated an interest in developing new skills and in doing some cruising. The first meeting.. We also agreed that parades are in our future!

Planning has begun for the next meeting to happen on a Saturday in the second half of February. Please feel free to email me with suggestions for venue and activities.

Thanks to all who showed up and made this such a successful kickoff!

Paul Petersen
Scott really needs to upgrade!
Mark and Amy Rosenkrantz
Amy R.
Nick Randall gets a helping hand
Justin Petersen makes the giraffe look easy
Stephen backpeddling
Mandy Randall steadies up on the giraffe
Jacob one-footing it
Unicycling dangerous?